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The Blackwood Primary School Playgroup is part of the DECD Playgroups in School (PinS) programme and is also registered with Playgroups SA. It is run by a qualified coordinator.
Playgroup is for parents to enjoy activities and social interaction with their children ages 0-4 years.
It is held every Thursday during school terms, from 9am to 11am in the OSHC building. There is a cost of $2 per child and families are encouraged to bring a piece of fruit for a shared fruit time.
Playgroup provides opportunities for children to develop social skills with parental support. It is also a safe and relaxed environment for adults to share ideas and experiences, as well as give and receive support.
Playgroup is for parents to enjoy activities and social interaction with their children ages 0-4 years.
It is held every Thursday during school terms, from 9am to 11am in the OSHC building. There is a cost of $2 per child and families are encouraged to bring a piece of fruit for a shared fruit time.
Playgroup provides opportunities for children to develop social skills with parental support. It is also a safe and relaxed environment for adults to share ideas and experiences, as well as give and receive support.
This page was last updated on 31 March 2016. Content enquiries to Webmaster.