Science is integrated through our IB Units of Inquiry and also taught as a single subject lesson where all students have a rich, hands on experience incorporating STEM methodology.  All students from Reception to our upper years have at least one 50 minute lesson per week.

Science as a single subject

Studying Science as an additional subject has given focus for students to experiment, wonder, foster creativity, ask questions and develop deep thinking skills through the Scientific Method.  Students are encouraged to hypothesise, predict, evaluate their data, make observations, describe properties and to think like scientists.

The aim of Science at Blackwood Primary School is to develop a child’s curiosity and willingness to explore and not be afraid to ask questions.  The students at Blackwood Primary School are taught the Australian Curriculum through an inquiry IB lens.
The Australian Curriculum strands focus on Science Understandings of;

  • Biological Sciences
  • Chemical Sciences
  • Earth and Space Sciences
  • Physical Sciences

​The Science Inquiry Skills of;

  • Questioning and Predicting
  • Planning and Conducting
  • Processing and Analysing Data and Information
  • Evaluating
  • Communicating

And Science as a Human Endeavour

  • Nature and Development of Science
  • Use and Influence of Science